





Our Spanish for the Workplace 专业回应了对双语专业人士的需求,并为学生提供直接适用于他们选择的职业的语言技能. The instruction is heavily focused on developing and honing the language abilities. Students’ fluency in Spanish is achieved through thorough practice of reading, writing, speaking and listening comprehension of Spanish. 商业西班牙语或医疗保健专业人员西班牙语高级课程包括动手部分, 例如,通过课堂访问与商业专业人士直接接触,或在工作中跟随医疗口译员. The Spanish for the Workplace major includes an internship in a business company or a health-care facility. This 150-hour course, completed abroad or locally, 让学生把在课堂上学到的语言技能付诸实践,并将其应用到未来的职业中.

After students acquire a solid theoretical base, 我们强烈鼓励他们通过在国外的沉浸式体验来进一步提高西班牙语的熟练程度. There are several options:

E-term Project Experience

我们的一月课程是学生沉浸在他们正在学习的语言和文化中的理想机会. For example, E-term in Ecuador, offers a three-week intensive practice in Spanish, by way of homestays with Ecuadorian families, a rigorous program of Spanish classes and in-depth exploration of Ecuadorian culture. 澳门新葡京官网 faculty guide students toward an understanding and appreciation of Latin America, 鼓励他们成为西班牙语的终身学习者,帮助他们建立永久的记忆.

Study Abroad Program

The Sklenar Center for International Programs in the Krulak 学院(NCC套房280)通过建议鼓励全球参与学生的发展, preparation and support for study abroad and exchange programs, international internship and research opportunities. Such experiences are of particular importance for foreign language students. Most recently, our students have studied in Spain, Chile and Argentina.  These experiences have profoundly impacted our students, 为他们提供了宝贵的海外生活经验,并大大提高了他们的西班牙语水平. 在所有学期,拉丁美洲和西班牙都有海外机会.  “学习之旅”为理学士学生提供了令人兴奋的转型体验,提供了专业发展技能和机会,使您在工作场所脱颖而出. 

Internships Abroad

A hands-on experience is a crucial portion of our new Spanish for the Workplace major, and is a mandatory experience for students in the program. There is no better way than to learn the practices of the job, together with the language and culture, from the professionals working abroad. 留学项目提供商现在为高级外语学生提供实习机会. Our most recent internship placement was in the Dominican Republic.


    Mission Statement

    伯明翰南方学院的西班牙语教师认为,本科语言学习应该, above all else, equip students for real-life situations. We want to prepare our students to speak and understand Spanish.

    然而,我们并不期望典型的本科西班牙语专业学生通过四年的校园学习就能达到母语水平, 我们在学院设计了西班牙语课程,让学生扎实掌握语言技能,并让学生接触到可以在各种环境中使用的广泛词汇.


    西班牙语教师认为,在西班牙语国家的沉浸式体验对寻求真正掌握这门语言的学生至关重要, and we encourage study abroad for a semester, a summer program, or the Interim term.

    Finally, 我们认为,对于那些准备从事与讲西班牙语的人接触的职业的学生来说,跨文化敏感性是一个高度优先考虑的问题. Students who elect a major or, to a lesser degree, a minor, 在伯明翰南方学院学习西班牙语的学生应该自信地结束他们的大学生活,他们的语言学习已经使他们能够很好地说和写这门语言, to understand the speech and the culture of native speakers of Spanish, and to use their abilities in Spanish in a wide variety of career paths.


    Alumni Spotlight

    Christian Burlock, ‘17, Spanish major, currently completing an internship in the Dominican Republic.

    Jessica Sperry, '16, Spanish major, currently 在乔治亚州奥古斯塔的奥古斯塔大学获得护理硕士学位,担任临床护士组长

    Smriti Krishnan, '15, Spanish major, is a graduate student at the University of Alabama, studying law and Spanish.

    Emily Holst, '13, English major and Spanish minor, taught English in the "English Open Doors" program in Chile. She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in English at the University of Montana.

    Christopher David, '11, Spanish major attended medical school at the University of South Alabama (USA) in Mobile. After finishing medical school in 2015 he began residency in internal medicine at UAB. 

    Kenton Myers, '11, Spanish major, is a certified medical interpreter and owner of M&N Language Services company. 

    Spanish Placement Exam

    所有进入伯明翰南方大学的新生(无论是一年级学生还是转学学生)都必须参加西班牙语分班考试,前提是他们在开始南方大学之前学习过西班牙语. 这并不意味着他们在大学里必须学习西班牙语而不是其他语言. It just means that, should they decide to continue their studies of Spanish, the Spanish faculty will know the most appropriate place for them to start with us.

    SN 101-102: This is for students who've never had any formal study of Spanish. We assume that students taking SN 101-102 are those who studied French, German, Latin, or some other language in high school.

    SN 201: 这是一门一学期的课程,专门为那些在高中(通常是两年)接触过西班牙语,但在准备更高级的中级或更高水平的学习之前需要复习的学生设计.

    SN 220: 本课程是为完成SN 101-102或SN 201并希望继续学习西班牙语的澳门新葡京官网学生设计的. It's also appropriate for students who had two very good years in high school, or perhaps three or even four years in high school. 这是一门中级水平的语法复习课程,为学生继续学习中级水平的对话和阅读课程做准备.

    SN 221: This is an intensive 西班牙语课程,专为在高中学过一两年西班牙语的学生设计. 学生从SN 201开始,但在澳门新葡京官网的一个学期中涵盖两个学期的西班牙语. The course carries two 对于想要快速启动西班牙语能力的学生来说,这是理想的选择,这样他们就可以继续发展有意义的西班牙语熟练程度.

    SN 270: This is intermediate conversation and is taught entirely in Spanish. 那些在高中水平上扎实学习了四五年,并且对语法掌握得很好的学生可能会在这里.

    SN 280: 这是中级阅读,重点是教学生西班牙语阅读策略. 它也完全用西班牙语授课,并且需要与SN 270相似的高中背景.

    New students rarely place higher than SN 270 or SN 280. 欢迎学生与西班牙语教师讨论他们在西班牙语方面的特殊背景,以及他们对在澳门新葡京官网的安置有任何疑问.


    Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of the Spanish major, students will be able to

    • function successfully in Spanish in a variety of real-life situations,
    • make polished formal and informal presentations on a variety of topics,
    • 能够理解以西班牙语为母语的人以母语语速所讲的主旨和一些离散的细节,
    • 用西班牙语写作,语法高度正确,词汇和习惯表达选择得当,
    • converse in Spanish in connected discourse in a variety of time frames,
    • recognize and respect cultural differences among the different Spanish-speaking countries